
A Database of Polysachharide 3D structures


Polysaccharides For Experts

Mannan I (electron diffraction)


Diffraction Diagram


Fig.1 Electron diffraction patterns obtained from mannan I crystals rotated by ±13°, ±19°, ±35°, and ±54° around a*, in comparison with an untilted diagram (tilt 0°) . For each setting the same crystal was used for the positive and negative orientations and the resulting diagrams were identical in each case. Different crystals were used for each setting.

*Permission Pending for Diffraction Diagrams


  Mannan I (electron diffraction)

Linkage : beta 1-4     

Space Group : orthorhombic P212121

Unit Cell Dimensions (a, b, c in Å and α, β, γ in °)

(No values are displayed if no information is available or the value is zero)

a (Å) = 8.92 - b (Å) = 7.21 - c (Å) = 10.27

Helix Type : highly extended 2-fold helices

Method(s) Used For Structure Determination : electron diffraction and stereochemical restraints

Link to the Abstract : http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/ma00176a014

Reference :

An Electron Diffraction Study of Mannan I. Crystal and Molecular Structure
Chanzy, H., Pérez, S., Miller, D. P., Paradossi, G. and Winter, W. T., Macromolecules 1987, 20, 2407-2413


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Unit          mannan-I_expanded





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